06 Chords

Chord progressions

These chord progressions examples are in the key of A minor.
Tap on the image to see them full size. 


In A minor, this is F - G - Am - C


In A minor, this is Dm - F - Em - G


In A minor, this is Am - F - C - G

Extending your chord progression

If you want your chord progression to change faster, tap on the :2 button

If you want your chord progression to change slower, tap on the x2 button

Using Chordify to find chords of songs

Chordify is an online music education service — made for and by music enthusiasts — that transforms music from YouTube, Deezer, SoundCloud, or your private collection into chords. Our service automatically recognizes chords from an audio signal and aligns them to the music in a simple and intuitive player. Chordify uses cutting-edge technology to help both novice and trained musicians play the music they want to play.

Visit https://chordify.net/ and upload or link up your favourite song. More instructions below. 
